IIUM SD Team had represent IIUM SUKSIS in this event. This is actually
the opening ceremony of the IIUM Student's Carnival which also joined by
the other uniform bodies with their own performance. This performance
involves the use of 27 personnel in a formation including the captain,
Abu Huzaifah Bin Zulkifli. The formation for this performance practiced
in only 3 nights. For information, this is the first performance by our
team new intake. This is their first experience perform
in front of crowd that stand very near with us. However, every
individual in this team manage to perform the formation till the end.
During this performance, they learn a lot of new experience including
fear, nervous, excited and the most important is how to controlled
yourself in front of so many audience. Last but not least, thanks to our
manager, Mohd Radzlan Mohd Rodzi for spending his time to train us
before the performance. Good job and very inspiring to the young Silent
Drill generation. Honor the call!