This performance is the invitation from the VADS company. The company
has invited the team to perform during their Company Dinner where the
theme revolves around the Militara Theme.
This performance was requested through the Uniform Bodies Unit of
Students Affairs and Development Division (STADD) IIUM. This performance
is the forst performance that involves the use of 7 personnel in a
formation. The formation is practiced in less than 24 hours and this is a
high achievement for the 8 team members from The Blues Unit involved
are the personnel who are preparing for the Team's program in London in a
week. The performance was accompanied by the drum line from the KL
Tower band with limited space to go around, the captain Mohd Radzlan
Mohd Rodzi and his colleagues manages to pull of a perfect show in a
tight square utilizing the small space with precision. Good job and very
inspiring to the young Silent Drill generation. Text book worthy!