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MRC Salahuddin Al-Ayubbi Ukhuwah Gathering 2010

Date : 24th May 2010
Time : 8.30 p.m
Venue : Salahuddin Parade Square, IIUM
Strength : 15 personnel

This performance used 15 personnel of the team due to the short semester and most of our strength is on holiday. Our first performance as a team starts with a very loud applause when our rank enters the arena. The support from fellow SUKSIS members and university students fuels our passion to march another step forward. This performance starts with an intermission phase followed by three different formation including the solo performance and the mirror effect. This is the first ever performance performed by the team using the SD Mark I Training Rifle. It is hard to use the rifle due to instability and the mass effect of the inventory. However the team members nail the show by a landslide. The performance is highly supported by the event organizer and the acting Mahallah Salahuddin Principal.
